Making an emergency call correctly - A guide

The emergency number 112 is used throughout Europe for rapid assistance in an emergency.

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9 February 2024 Fire Safety

In emergency situations, fast and effective help is often crucial to save lives and protect property. Whether it's an accident, fire or other acute danger, making an emergency call quickly and correctly can make all the difference.

This blog article provides a comprehensive guide so that you can make an emergency call correctly in the future and ensure that help arrives as quickly as possible.

Making an emergency call correctly

1) Dial the correct emergency number:

In Europe, the single emergency number 112 can be used to make an emergency call at any time and free of charge via the landline network and mobile phones. You can reach the police, fire department or rescue service directly and easily. Some countries also have additional emergency numbers, such as 110 for calling the police in Germany.

2) Keep calm:

In stressful situations - such as an accident or fire - it is crucial to remain calm in order to provide clear and concise information. Of course, emergency call staff are trained to deal with agitated callers, but clear information makes it easier to coordinate assistance quickly.

3) Have important information ready:

You should have as much relevant information ready as possible when you make an emergency call. This includes:

  • Address of the emergency location or clear description of the location
  • Brief description of the emergency, including the nature of the injury or problem
  • Number of people involved
  • Your own telephone number for queries

The W-questions can help you to make the emergency call correctly:

  • Where is the emergency location?
  • What has happened?
  • Who is calling?
  • Wait

4) Follow the instructions of the emergency call personnel:

After you have made an emergency call, you should follow the instructions of the emergency call center exactly. This can be life-saving, as the staff at the other end of the line are trained to provide specific assistance and organize support. The emergency call center will provide support, for example with instructions on resuscitation, until the emergency services arrive.

5) Do not hang up:

It is important not to end the emergency call prematurely. Even if all the necessary information has been transmitted, you should wait for further questions or instructions. The emergency call personnel may need additional information or help to stabilize the situation.

The best way is to practice

Everyone should regularly remind themselves how to make an emergency call correctly. In emergency situations, quick and precise assistance can make all the difference.

Our guide "Making an emergency call correctly" will help you to request help quickly and effectively in the future.


Guide "Making an emergency call correctly"

Do you still have questions about how to make an emergency call correctly?

*** We are currently only active in Germany and Netherlands! ***


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