Extinguishing water supply

The extinguishing water supply is essential in case of fire. There are different types and specifications.

Löschwasserversorgung durch die Feuerwehr im Brandfall-CWS Fire Safety

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7 August 2023 Fire Safety

In the event of a fire, a sufficient supply of extinguishing water is essential for effective extinguishing work by the fire brigade. Therefore, municipalities and building operators must ensure a sufficient supply of extinguishing water.

What is meant by extinguishing water supply?

Löschwasserversorgung Feuerwehr-Grundschutz-CWS Fire Safety

The extinguishing water supply describes the entire system for providing sufficient quantities of extinguishing water in the event of a fire.

It is therefore an essential part of fire protection in order to protect lives and minimise damage to property.

How can the extinguishing water supply be provided?

The extinguishing water supply can be provided by various components. These include, among others, the extraction of extinguishing water from:

  • the public drinking water network via hydrants.
  • extinguishing water ponds. Relevant especially in remote areas where a direct connection to the public drinking water network is not possible or the capacity of the drinking water network is insufficient.
  • Underground fire-fighting water tanks as well as fire-fighting water wells for large quantities of fire-fighting water in the vicinity of endangered areas.
  • fire-fighting vehicles with fire-fighting water tanks
  • natural water resources (lakes, rivers or streams)
Löschwasserversorgung aus Hydranten-CWS Fire Safety

What are the specifications?

Brandschutz und Löschwasserversorgung-DVWG-CWS Fire Safety

In Germany, various directives, e.g. the building regulations of the federal states as well as the fire brigade or fire and disaster control laws of the federal states, regulate how much extinguishing water must be available for a specific object. Based on this, the extinguishing water supply is determined by the amount of extinguishing water provided by the municipality, plus any additional amount to be provided by the operator.

Important: Drinking water is the most important foodstuff. Therefore, drinking water protection also plays a role in the planning, installation and operation of various fire protection facilities. For example, extinguishing water systems must not have a negative impact on drinking water installations and hygiene.

Extinguishing water supply in practice

In principle, the country-specific requirements for buildings with certain categories or sizes of use prescribe a certain number of extinguishing water extraction points or specific extinguishing water supply. Hydrants are one option for drawing off extinguishing water. In addition, the general extinguishing water demand can be reduced, for example, by a sprinkler system, insofar as this is specified in the regulations (e.g. industrial construction guideline).

Ultimately, the planning and implementation of the extinguishing water supply must be proven and approved by the authorities via a fire protection concept and extinguishing water proof. Possible shortfalls in the basic supply must be compensated for by alternative extinguishing water tapping points with reference to the volume flows required according to the fire protection concept. Subsequently, the total quantity must be proven to the Building Regulation Office.

Important: The extinguishing water supply must be regularly maintained and its functionality checked to ensure that it works reliably in an emergency.

Löschwasserversorgung in der Praxis-CWS Fire Safety

CWS supports nationwide

The experts at CWS Fire Safety provide support in ensuring the supply of extinguishing water on your company premises by:

  • Planning, installing and maintaining over-, under- and wall hydrants.
  • Ensuring reliable drinking and extinguishing water separation
  • Planning, installation and maintenance of automatic extinguishing systems and other fire protection equipment

Our locally based experts ensure that the extinguishing water supply for your building meets fire protection requirements. We also advise you on reliable drinking and extinguishing water separation.

Löschwasserversorgung-Feuerwehr-Hydrant-CWS unterstützt bundesweit

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